What is the fare of a flight to El Calafate from Buenos Aires?
Approximately $432  US Dollars per person (round-trip) taxes included. The rate might change at the time of booking.
This rate is the one given by the travel agent Kosherlat work with. There are not discount for groups. As a matter of fact, airlines do charge a more expensive rate for groups.

Can I get a better rate for a flight Buenos Aires-El Calafate (roundtrip)?
Absolutely. You can get a better rate by booking yourself online. The airline that has the best frequency is Aerolineas Argentinas.

IMPORTANT: the flights you should buy to the offered El Calafate itinerary are as follows:
BUE 2.00pm - FTE 5.20pm

FTE 7.05pm - BUE 10.00pm

Only these flights will allow you to fulfill the itinerary.

At the link bellow you can make a trial and buy your tickets.

How far is the international airport EZE from the domestic one?
One hour, depending on the traffic.

How is the weather in El Calafate in April?
You can check the monthly weather forecast of the Weather Channel

Contact information of the Hotel Posada Los Alamos
Address: ng Hector Mario Guatti 1135
El Calafate - Santa Cruz - Patagonia Argentina
Tel.: (54) 2902 491144 - info@posadalosalamos.com